Years active:
Web alias(es):
* DeathKillerNOR
* Deathkillern (WoW)
* MagicaII (Old IG-Name, Dekaron Nemesis)
* Magica (Old IG-Name, Dekaron Nemesis)
Associated Youtubers/Streamers:
My Video Prossess from Recording to Render:
*Record in 2560x1440 Res, 191kbps 2Channel Stereo with 48000kHz Sample Rate.
Edited/Rendered To 1920x1080 Res, 383kbps 2Channel Stereo With 4800kHz Sample Rate.
The last few years I’ve been playing Massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG), And Open-World Games.
I believe that gaming connects people, makes endless experiences possible and relieves stress.
My aim is to create a gaming community where people got a common interest.
Now, I did participate in competitive matches on cod games. This is before I started to be active on YouTube.
I believe it was the call of duty modern warfare 3? The clan was Khaos Krew(KK), I learned so much from them.
I still remember the leader Got_Ammo. Nice guy, really talented within competitive gaming.
Noticed pretty soon this was something that I was not interested in tho.
It got pretty easy to leave when they wanted to make the clan American only.
I said my goodbyes and ended it with a good note (I think).
Competitive gaming creates to much stress to bee enjoyable. (For me at least)
That not my thing. I believe they are now into World of Tanks now mainly.
But I believe the clan is pretty much dead these days. Yes, I still keep tabs on my old clanmates!
Moto: don't run...You'll just die tired ;) I must admit I miss those days tho.
That was one of the few moments that I have experienced real hardcore team play.
I Created My YouTube Channel in April 2012, To watch YouTubers and upcoming trailers for games and movies.
In February 2013 i created a account to watch streamers.
I didn't start my first stream before a few years after that.
I didn't start to upload regularly before May 2014 with my very first PlayThough series WatchDogs.
First of all was to figure out a nickname.
It had to be in English because, well everything sounds better in English. I believe deathseeker, spawnseeker,
was few of many options i though about. Well, it ended up being deathkillernor.
I was active in FPS's the time and deathkillernor was the perfect fit.
In FPS's, you will respawn, so technically your the walking dead when you respawn. deathkiller, the killer of the dead.
Would work perfectly if i were a mainstream left4dead gamer to....
Then it changed to i am death, i am a killer. This made it easy to figure out what character it should stay by.
The grim reaper is the definition of death, so i used that one for a long time.
I did start by focusing on PlayThrough Content, as that was the logical step for me to take as a new gaming channel.
I probably should start doing commentary content, but currently to shy for that.
But i'm building up for it so hopefully, it might happen someday.
As i said, first it was WatchDogs, then it was Max Payne 3, James Bond Blood Stone, BioShock Infinite.
All this is archived in "Upcoming And Past Projects" > "Past Projects W/Links" From the Home page or you can click the link.
I started calling some Series Lets Play, usually, Its becomes a Let's Play if the series lasts longer then 1 month, or Lengthy or infinite Gameplay Series like Banished, My first Let's Play from late 2014.
I have been focusing heavily on AAA titles, But on later years they have become hard to keep up on my channel because of copyright issues.
This is why i created the "Publishers, Developers Policies" Page on this website to warn you if they are safe to upload content made by them or risky. I actually email every publisher on the list to get the Video Policy regarding their product.
This had lead to that i might have to stop uploading Call of Duty Content as i'm always is getting copyright issues when it gets uploaded.
Having participated in CoD in a Competitive/professional level(Khaos Krew) i noticed fast that i do much better in a group than by myself. I have seen this multiple times during games when in a group i do much better then if i were solo.
Now it's unlikely i will speak during a session when i play in a group, but i do listen to orders.
When given one i do it to my best abilities. I prefer a group, instead of going solo. This isn't a weakness, its a preference.
i can go solo if required, but won't do that great, but i will do ok.
In late August 2014 was i very into defiance for some reason, so i did what i always do when i fanboy a game.
I go on twitch to see streams, it was many good ones but i stopped on one particular stream.
You guessed it, it was CarbonTNT's stream. And i don't know what happened, i really don't. But i still have him on my friend list this day. This was the first time i actually made a friend relation with a streamer.
On another note, i have been hospitalized because of Psoriasis.
Nothing new as i was borne with epilepsy so...
But i remember i watched his streams when i was hospitalized, so technically he made my hospital stay easier in a way.
For that, if you ever see this. Thank you.
He has also made me get into some very unlikely games that i probably would not have played otherwise.
Like Ark Survival Evolved, The Forest, 7 Days To Die, and many more. TheHunter: Primal is a very good example.
It had a similar mechanic as to DayZ and i hated that game because it was so hard to find loot in that game.
Started My Steam group DeathKillerNOR(DKNOR) 25 September 2014.
Now i mainly use it for my Curator page to review games.
February 2015 i signed up with Freedom! MCN, I didn't meet requirements on most MCN and it seemed very Positive for my channel at the time, after a few months it appeared to me it didn't help my channel grow at all.
Actually, i applied to Maker Studios around this time also, well few weeks before i applied to Freedom!
But as i said, i didn't meet the requirements.
In 2016 i started creating its own Playlist for that years Let's Plays.
Wich can be found in "Upcoming And Past Projects" > "Past Projects W/Links".
Let's Play Series is if the PlayThrough series last longer then 1 month or Lengthy or infinite Gameplay Series.
I do this because it exists a risk i might abandon it if it gets boring to play, it has happened. This is the reason you have not seen any Assassin's Creed series on my channel in the last years.
In mid-2017 YouTube decided to change their partner requirements.
it now requires 1000 Subscribers and at least 4,000 hours of watch time within the past 12 months.
So i decided that all my videos should be without adds regardless of if i get re-partnered in the future or not until i get to a point it actually benefits me and my subscribers of adding adds to my videos.
But in 2018 a tragic event happened, i lost a brother.
I received a few of his stuff, he was very good at electronics so i received a few items that he has made himself including a hand console, it was an old School Snake game he has programmed and made himself.
I also received a Full VR Oculus Fundraiser Set, So i got into that at least. I also got the Oculus DevKit witch i currently have on display in my living room.
He was also my main source to go to when i had computer issues.
Also, 2018 might be the year i post most gameplays, i'm currently having 240 videos until the end of December this year on Let's Play 2018 Playlist alone. that's without the PlayThough's i have done this year.
In 2019 the only thing to type about her is the COPPA thing that happened late 2019, well i made the safe call to remove all games that had a rating from 13 and under. This resulted in me removing almost 500 videos from my channel. World of Warcraft, Minecraft: Story Mode 1 & 2, The Elementalist 1 & 2 just to name a few. And i set up a few rules on what will come to my channel or not in the future. resulting in games that have a rating 14 and over will be featured on my channel from then on.
2020 turned out to be quite the year. The current pandemic of CORVID-19 that delayed a lot of games. And is still happening.
Thankfully i had, and still have a fairly large backlog of games that i can use, but has become short during this year.
But that's not all. In July i finished the PlayThrough of Doki Doki Literature Club and was looking into mods for the game.
i was looking at a video where you could ask pre-writen questions to monika, and she started to talk about a Virtual Youtuber?
My interest peeked to max at this point, and i started to look into this.
Now i must give a back story.
In late 2018 i looked into having an avatar instead of a webcam, and use that to stream Let's Plays.
I deeply looked into FaceRig, they did support Intel RealSense camera but an older one that was not and still isn't in production at the time. So i deemed it not possible and put the project on ice, due to the fact i thought that it was not possible to achieve,
back to 2020, so i looked into this Virtual Youtuber, this was Kizuna Ai. In my 2 hours of "Research", i found out that she is VERY popular in Japan. And she has been doing this since 2016...
A week ago later i found a streamer called Koefficient, from i learned of this group called HoloLive.
This is the point when my youtube recommended changed a lot and i dove headfirst into the metaphorical rabbit hole...
It is also from him i learn about the English speaking YouTubers... I'm sorry i meant VTubers.
Im talking about Vtubers like IronMouse, Zentreya and Melody.
Nagzz21, and Lost_Pause also went on my radar during the same time.
So what resulted in all of this? well it resulted in most of my subscriptions on youtube and twitch being VTuber.
A Twitter wall full of Vtuber liking, commenting and tweeting that they are going live on multiple platforms.
And me currently in the process of creating a fully 3d Avatar of my own(this project is almost finish now).
Im currently planning the first live stream using this Avatar, also with day to stream. As of now, it will be most likely 1 day/Week, while i see if this is a thing i will be doing long term. Mostly it will be determined on how fun it is and how many watch my streams.
But same as YouTube, Money is not the main subject of it all and is considered a bonus.
In fact, donations will not be turned on unless i get many requests on having it enabled.